Key Takeaways:
- Flashlights work in the summer
- Ultra compact gear to move lightly
- Summer camping is an outdoor activity
- Know power requirements in advance
Camping with Nitecore
A recent study found that over 48 million couples and families went camping in 2020 including the summer. Camping is the pastime of families that enjoy nature and all of its bountiful wonders. Now is the best time as any to explore the outdoors and connect with the spirit of the ancient and idyllic harmony. So strap yourself in and gear up because there be crazy folks out there and we need gear.
summer campingtest
Are you Bear Grylls, or Survivorman? When you go to camp, how far are you willing to go? In every sense of the phrase. Because the further away you are from the city the less light pollution you encounter and there is only so much natural light. When poets speak of "star light, and star bright" this is a metaphor, celestial bodies are actually quite far away and do not adequately provide enough illumination to assist in vision. The same goes for the moon. Thus knowing where you will be relative to nearby light pollution is necessary to know how much lighting and more importantly power you need to bring.
summer camping
Supplementary Lighting
Lanterns existed prior to flashlights. The word derives from the latin lanterna which is believed to be derived from the greek lampein which meant to shine. What is important is having a lantern that provides wide preferably 360° coverage in lighting and comes with lots of brightness modes to dictate exactly how much lighting you desire. For instance the Nitecore LR60 "campbank" do not let the terribly forced compound wordsmithing + marketing gibberish fool you. The LR60 not only provides wonderful high cri lighting, you can control the direction of the lighting, you can stand it, you can stick it, you can hang it, you can bang it. I mean bang in a USB cable to charge your other devices because it's a functional power bank as well.
summer camping
summer campingtest

Supplementary Power
Power is the product of force and velocity. At the very least you can say you learned something from this blog. Nitecore takes supplementary power very seriously, for instance we have an entire line of waterproof power banks, the NPB series. If you have no plans on getting wet, how about the stylish carbon fiber NB series? These supplementary power banks are ideal to have as a backup battery for your phone, headphones, nose phones, mouth phones, or eye phones.
summer camping
summer campingtest
Consider Your Surroundings
For instance some camping sites and designated campgrounds have power available, some people might even bring generators. But if you really want to answer the call of the wild going without power is where real adventure lies. This is where a NPS600 or FPS100 foldable solar panel and massive power station combo from Nitecore can come in handy. The modern individual is no longer satisfied with merely experiencing nature, this is a rationalization they tell themselves as they strain to take the perfect picturesque shot to show others via their technology platform how much they enjoy being without technology. With the Nitecore power station, solar panel combo you can make sure your phone's battery is topped off.
summer camping
summer campingtest

For the cephalically challenged this section is not a necessary read. In every sense of the phrase. Headlamps "free up the hand" which is what my co-workers insist are the benefits of a headlamp. Headlamps are great for walking, running, biking, jogging, hiking, synonymizing, looking up outdoor activities onlining, and of course camping. Although it is heavily disputed and theoretically unfounded based on our understanding of zoological ophthalmology and just good sense in general. Many individuals that do not understand the principle of anecdotal evidence being sufficient to provide a causal syllogism insist that certain color light is better for observing certain animals in order to remain undetected. Long story short, many of Nitecore's headlamps come with a red LED which is great for the outdoors or so I am told.
summer camping
summer campingtest
Tooters and Pokers
It is often assumed the first protohumanoids to have sharpened wooden branches into stakes to server as the most rudimentary crafted tool. I am beginning to suspect I just like imaging cavemen throw rocks and sticks at each other, so very quaint. Nitecore provides a impressive selection of knives, and other EDC gadgets such as tactical pens and whistle to take on your next outdoor excursions. Especially the titanium varieties, resistant to corrosion, rust, and nearly impervious to damage, these lightweight tools can be long lasting durable life savers in nature.
summer camping
summer campingtest